Time Strategies

Image by Steve Buissinne from Pixabay Man, oh, man am I not good at time management (most of the time). I honestly just go through phases where I'm really productive and on top of things, and phases where my anxiety keeps me from starting tasks until the last minute, and phases where I'm in between. Obviously I prefer the first one. As I am about to graduate and move out into the world, where at least I assume the consequences will be bigger for procrastinating and letting my anxiety get the best of me, I realize I need to work on my time management. That's partly why I am not working at the student paper for the first time in three years, because I really needed to take this semester to work on myself and my mental health, and I just wasn't getting the time and space I needed to do that before. This semester, all but one of my classes are asynchronous online. I think this will be a challenge, but a good one. It will teach me to be a self-starter and to do things e...