Growth Mindset

Carol Dweck and her Growth Mindset theory are something I learned about in the Mythology and Folklore class last spring. Ever since hearing about it, and finding out about "ungrading" and all of that, I have really wished these were things more teachers implemented.

The truth is, school always came so easy to me. I was told I was "smart" and "gifted". And maybe those things are true. But I know that often times I lacked a real challenge, and I didn't know that was a bad thing. In fact, when things were hard for me I thought something was wrong. Thankfully, that didn't make me end up doing badly in school, but I know that happens often. This whole thing makes me think about my brother, who always struggled in school and I know that he probably felt bad about himself with everyone in my family constantly talking about how smart I was and how well I was doing in school. Sometimes I wonder if these strategies had been used with him and kids like him, if things could have turned out differently for them.

Since I got to college, I have been on this sort of downward spiral it seems when it comes to wanting to learn new things. I think I'm just kind of burnt-out with academia, likely because of how much emphasis was always placed on doing my best in school throughout my life. And now I'm just honestly ready to be done. But, I will say that this semester I really am looking forward to the classes I'm taking which are all on interesting topics to me.

And I'm excited to learn more about the growth mindset, and to challenge my brain!


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