Reading Notes: Tiny Tales from India, Part A
For this week's free choice of reading, I decided to read the first 50 stories of the Tiny Tales from India book. So far, I'm really enjoying it, I like that each story is something new!
The stories so far have been about animals, usually one tricking another and eating/killing them. I enjoyed the ones about the lions, tigers, jackals, camels and elephants most so far.
I think if I were to retell one of these stories, I would choose story 8, The Jackal and his Brothers.
In this story, a lion brings a baby jackal to his lioness that had just given birth to two lion cubs. The lion thought for her to eat the baby jackal, but instead she nursed it as her own and he grew up with the lion cubs. Eventually, she sent him away out of fear his brothers would kill him for being different. He ran away and found the other jackals.
I would like to retell this story, and include a part later on where somehow the lions reunite with their jackal brother. I'm interested in whether or not they would recognize him and be kind or if they would even care.
Bibliography: Tiny Tales from India, Laura Gibbs
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