Feedback Thoughts

photo by Helen Haden at Flickr

For this weeks feedback assignment, I decided to read these two articles, and here are my thoughts on both:

 A fixed mindset could be holding you back — here's how to change it: This article really resonated with me, especially after learning more about Growth Mindset so I was able to understand where the ideas in this article were coming from. I just started a new job this week and our boss constantly talks about how when we make mistakes she wants it to be a learning experience instead of her getting angry and being negative. I hadn't even thought about it until reading this article, but my boss and my workplace subscribe to a growth mindset! That's so exciting for me. I also thought it was interesting how this article used doctors as an example. I could never be a doctor, I just can't imagine how I would feel if I ever made a mistake that cost someone their life. But at the same time I'm so grateful for doctors and I'm grateful that someone is telling them that they can still be a good doctor even if they mess up.

Make Good Art: Neil Gaiman’s Advice on the Creative Life, Adapted by Design Legend Chip Kidd: I had never heard about this speech before, but I'm so glad I know it now. I never really thought much about how if you're not making mistakes, you're probably not trying new things. Lately I have been wanting to try out new things and hobbies, and this has really encouraged me to actually do that. I hope 2021 will be the year of making "glorious, amazing mistakes" for me.

I mentioned it in my feedback post last spring, but the best way I receive feedback from others is when they start with the positive things, the things I did well. I try to implement this when I'm giving feedback as well. 


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